The most Influential & Able of the First Generation of Mass Bay Leaders in America

John CottonJohn Winthrop  
The Teaching Elder                                                                                                  The First Governor

Sola Scriptura                                                                                                 A Model of Charity

 Conversion Narrative                                                                                              The Covenant

New England Way                                                                           Mass Bay Charter in hand

Keys of the Kingdom                                                            Journal: A History of New England

Church Officers & Deacons                                                                        Magistrates & Assistants
   Lay Responsibility for Church Governance                                           The Great & General Court
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                  Shaped the Destiny of New England as no other Individuals in the Mass Bay Colony

  • 1650

    Overlooked by History: The Gender Equation

    Anne HutchinsonAnne Bradstreet                                                                          Arrived in Boston
               With William & fifteen children, 1634                                                        With Simon, 1630            

                  'Heretical Beliefs'                                                                         Colonial Life in Verse

                                                                            The Maternal Role
                          Mother, Mid-wife                                                                                Mother, Good Wife

                     Lay-Pastor to Women                                                                      Lay-Minister of Beauty

                 A New Colony: Rhode Island                                                   A New England Voice in London

                                                                           Feminists of Their Day           
            An Independent Mind                                                                               A Poet of Vision & Humility
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                'Courageous exponent of civil liberty & religious toleration'                                                    I am obnoxious to each carping tongue Who says my hand a needle better fits;
                  "Those who have God's grace in their hearts cannot go astray."   AH                                  A poet's pen all scorn I should thus wrong. For such despite they cast on female wits.
                  'Persuasive Advocate of the Right of Independent Judgement'                                               If what I do prove well, it won't advance; They'll say it's stol'n, or else it was by chance.  AB                                                                                                                                                                                              

  • 1750

    Ministers & Laypeople seed a Democratic Republic

    Charles ChauncyPaul RevereProtects Congregational Governamce/Polity                                             Huguenot Immigrant

    Covenant modified by "Statement of Faith"                    Declaration of Independence

    Opposes Anglican Episcopate in America                  Courier: Boston - Philadelphia
    & "Great Awakening" Revival                                    Officer in French & Indian War
    Patriot in American War of Independence                               Famous Midnight Ride

    A Progressive Theology presages Unitarianism     Artisan of bowls, Church Bells

    Author of "Universal Salvation" &                                Seventh becomes Second Church
    "Seasonal Thoughts on the State of Religion                                                                            
    in New England"                                                                                                                               

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                                 Charles Chauncy was rational, dispassionate & intrepid.                                                                                                                                                 Paul Revere is an Icon                              
                                 He guided his Generation to Political & Religious Freedom.                                                                                                                                              of the American Way.

  • 1830

    The "Face-off' between Trinitarians & Unitarians

    Nathaniel Frothingham Charles Francis Adams

    Poet, Translator, Teacher                                Historian, Keeper of Adams Family Flame

    Developed language of Unitarian theology                            Scholar of Colonial History

    Covert 'liberal Christian'                                                   First Presidential Library

    Exemplar of the 'Boston Religion'                                      Politician in Elective Offices

    Spiritual Truths - Social Worship                             Ambassador & Representative to Europe  

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                        A zealous student of Biblical research, he was                                                                                                                                                                      As Legislator & Diplomat,
                        the  Author of Devout and Beautiful Hymns                                                                                                                                                                          he nurtured the growth of the Nation



                                                                                      Builders & Inhabitors of 'Elegant Boston'

    Rufus EllisBenefactors Nathaniel Thayer W. Eugene Thayer Thomas B Wales Mr and Mrs George Washington Wales Mary Anne Wales                                                  

                   A Cathedral in the Back Bay                                  Philanthopists for a Transcendental Hub

                         A Rebirth of Gothic Sensibility
                              Images, Memorials

                         John Cotton's Pulpit &Tomb

                  A Christian Hymnal & Prayer Book                     

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  • 1880

    EE HaleThomas Minns                                                              A Social Ministry

                   South Congregational Church                                          Executor, Nonprofit Organizations

                      Lend-a-Hand Society
                       Chaplain to the United States Senate


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                                                                                                                                                                             Nationwide Benefactor:
                                                                                                                                                                             Libraries, Colleges
                     He engaged his members in works of Christian Charity.
                     In his wisdom, purity and virtue he secured their love and admiration.

                     "Look up, not down. Look forward, not back.                              
                      Look out, not in; and lend a hand"    EEH        

  • 1910


    Charles Park          Born of Missionaries in India                                                                     20th Century Boston

                Religious Humanist                                                                        Church Mergers & Trustees

                   Spiritual Guide to Community                                               WW I, Depression, WW II

                    Covenant Preamble                                                                       ‘May Meetings’ of AUA

                 Grand Old Man of US Unitarian Pulpits                                        Organists Foote & Zeuch



    A Model Of Progressive Partnership

    Rhys WilliamsTrustees Senator Oliver Ames Richard D Pierce


               Youth in Canada                                                         Lay Proprietors for the Society

                  Minister's Son                                                            Models of Trusteeship

                       A Minister to Boston                                                     Deed of Trust

                     Church Fire of 1968                                             Built a New Meeting House
     A Theology of Diversity & Rights                                               Holding Fast the Traditions


                                                  Ending its Fourth Century: 387 Years of Nonconformity              [top of page]